Ceremonia de numire a celei mai avansate nave de recuperare diamante din lume , produsa de catre DAMEN Mangalia pentru compania DebMarine Namibia – grupul De Beers a avut loc pe 19 August 2021 .
Echipa VisualCre8 a filmat pe parcursul celor 2 ani de constructie a navei, toate etapele principale precum si testele de mare , ceremonia de lansare , timelapse cu 8 camere specializate de evolutie constructii timp de 24 de luni.
Ceremonia de numire a unei nave reprezinta totodata finalizarea proiectului. Cateva date despre aceasta nava impresionanta ce urmeaza sa navige Duminica 22 August spre coastele Africii de Sud.
Name of the Vessel: BENGUELA GEM
Main Dimensions and Particulars:
Overall length: approx. 176.56 m
Length between P.P.: approx. 148.85 m
Breadth moulded: approx. 27 m
Depth to main deck: approx. 11.70 m
Depth to shelter deck: approx. 14.5 m
Deadweight – 7000 tonnes
Maximum draft ship (Summer WL) approximative 8.15 m
Accommodation for 106 pers.
Total 88 cabins such as:
70 x 1 man cabins
18 x 2 men cabins
Propulsion machinery:
Main azimuth propeller – 2 x 3500 kW
Tunnel thruster fore – 2 x 1910 kW
Tunnel thruster AFT – 1 x 925 kW
Azimuth FORE – 2 x 1500 kW
Main Engine (Gen Set) – 6 x 3230 ekW
Classification: Lloyd’s Register with the following Class Notations: ✠100A1, Helicopter Landing Area, ShipRight(ACS(B)), *IWS, LI, WDL(X), ECO(DIST, P, BWT, OW, GW)